Star Ornament Tutorial
① Strip 20cm x 4 pcs (12 thread width)
② Strip 20cm x 4 pcs (12 thread width)

Finished Dimensions: 17cm x 17cm for 1 Star
Arrange 2 pieces of Strip ① horizontally as shown.
- Weave the remaining pieces of Strip ① vertically into the other 2 strips as shown. Apply glue where the strips intersect. The intersection is the center of all four strips.
- Arrange the four strips of Strip ② in the same manner.
- Arrange the set made from Strip ② on top of the set made from Strip ① as shown.
- Take the two strips of Strip ① closest to the top and connect the ends together as shown. Apply glue and secure with a clothespin.
- Repeat the same process on the right as shown.
- Complete the remaining two sides in the same manner.
- Turn over.
- Take the two strips of Strip ② closest to the top and connect the ends together as shown. Apply glue and secure with a clothespin.
- Repeat the same process on the right as shown.
- Complete the remaining two sides in the same manner.
- Completed!